Conus (Lithoconus) odengensis odengensis       (Martin, 1895)

Conus (Lithoconus) odengensis avaensis           (Noetling, 1901)

Conus (Lithoconus) odengensis birmanica         (Vredenburg, 1921)


Conus (Lithoconus) myaukmigonensis               (Vredenburg, 1921)




Ein stumpfer, dickschaliger, bis zu 71 mm. langer Conus, welcher ein wenig erhobenes, bisweilen ein nahezu flaches Gewinde besitzt, an dem nur die älteren Umgänge zu einer kurzen Spitze ausgezogen sind. Die Profillinie des Gewindes ist entweder tief concav oder fast kegelig , wobei dann nur noch die ältesten Windungen von concaven Linien begrenzt erscheinen , während die jüngeren fiachkegelig werden oder auch im Profile sich gar nicht mehr herausheben. Nicht selten steht der Spiralwinkel hervor und bilden sich dadurch stufenartige Absätze; dann erscheinen auch die Umgänge kanalartig vertieft, während sie sonst flach sind. Die Spitze war stets abgerieben , so dass sich die Embryonalwindungen nicht mehr untersuchen Hessen ; die ältesten Mittelwindungen zeigen selten Spuren einer undeutlichen Krönung , sonst erscheinen alle Umgänge, mit Einschluss des letzten, gleichmässig von Spiralfurchen bedeckt, die in der Regel tief eingeschnitten sind. Die Gesammtzahl der Windungen betrug bei dem grössten Individuum 13 — 14.

Der Stirnabschnitt ist mit dichten Spiralfurchen versehen , die Schlusswindung sonst glatt, abgesehen nur von den deutlich entwickelten Zuwachslinien , welche sich unter starker, S-förmiger Krümmung von der Nahtlinie nach vorne ziehen. Die Spindel ist gedreht, die Mundöffnung schmal, hinten ziemlich seicht, vorne gar nicht ausgeschnitten.

Ich begreife unter dieser Art zwei an den Hauptfundorten zusammen vorkommende , verschiedene, aber nicht scharf getrennte Formen, deren eine plumper als die andere ist und ein flacheres Gewinde besitzt , während ihr gleichzeitig die stufenartigen Absätze des letzteren fehlen. Ihre Unterscheidung von der zweiten , schlankeren Form ist aber doch nicht scharf zu praecisiren, denn beide gehen durch unmerkliche Uebergänge in einander über, da sich bald dieser bald jener der Charaktere, welche sonst den verschiedenen extremen Ausbildungen zukommen, in einem und demselben Individuum vereinigt finden. Mir scheinen die beiden Formen Geschlechtsunter-schiede darzustellen, und dürften die plumperen Schalen von weiblichen Thieren stammen. Durch unregelmässige Aufwickelung der Umgänge sind nicht selten Abnormitäten hervorgerufen.
Conus Hardi Mart. steht dieser Art nahe , ist aber schlanker , in der Mitte meist etwas eingeschnürt und vor allem am Spiralwinkel mit einem scharfkantigen Kiele versehen , welcher leistenartig über die tief rinnenförmigen Umgänge hervorsteht , während die Schlusswindung sich hinten unter starker Krümmung dem Spiralwinkel zuwendet. C. malaccanus Hwass (Enc. Meth. vers. I, pt. 2, pag. 645, tab. 325 — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10, spec. 49) ist der nächste, lebende Verwandte; doch beobachtete ich bei ihm weder eine gedrehte Spindel noch die dichte Spiralfurchung auf dem Stimabschnitte. Statt letzterer zeigten die Gehäuse der recenten Species nur einzelne, entfernt stehende Spiralleisten. Auch C. quercinus Hwass (Reeve I.e. pl. 26, spec. 148) steht dem Fossile sehr nahe und zeigt überdies ähnliche Schwankungen in der Form des Gehäuses; ferner schliesst sich daran noch C. eburneus Hwass (Reeve I.e. pl. 19, spec. 106).

Es sind 46 Exemplare vom Kampong Odeng am Tji Djarian, Distrikt Palabuan, abkünftig, 17 aus dem Tji Talahab , Distrikt Djampangtengah in Sukabumi, 1 von Selatjau am TjiLongan, endlich 1 fragliches Individuum vom Mantjeurih, Nebenflusse des Madur (5).


A blunt, thick-skinned, up to 71 mm. long Conus, which has a slightly raised, sometimes almost flat thread, on which only the older whorls are extended to a short point. The profile line of the thread is either deeply concave or almost conical, in which case only the oldest turns appear limited by concave lines, while the younger ones become linear conical or no longer stand out in the profile. It is not uncommon for the spiral angle to protrude, resulting in the formation of stepped shoulders; then the whorls also appear deepened like channels, while they are otherwise flat. The tip was always rubbed off, so that the embryonic convolutions could no longer be examined; the oldest central whorls seldom show traces of an indistinct crowning, otherwise all whorls, including the last, appear uniformly covered by spiral furrows, which are usually deeply incised. The total number of whorls in the largest individual was thirteen to fourteen.

The forehead section is provided with dense spiral furrows, the final whorl is otherwise smooth, apart from the clearly developed growth lines, which pull forward from the suture line under a strong, S-shaped curve. The spindle is rotated, the mouth opening is narrow, fairly shallow at the back, and not cut out at all at the front.

I understand by this species two different, but not sharply separated, forms occurring together at the main localities, one of which is clumsier than the other and has a shallower thread, while at the same time it lacks the stepped ledges of the latter. However, their distinction from the second, slimmer form cannot be precisely defined, because both merge into one another through imperceptible transitions, since sometimes this, sometimes that of the characters, which otherwise belong to the various extreme forms, are found united in one and the same individual. The two forms seem to me to represent sex differences, and the clumsier shells must come from female animals. Abnormalities are often caused by irregular winding of the whorls.

Conus Hardi Mart. is close to this species, but is slimmer, usually somewhat constricted in the middle and, above all, has a sharp-edged keel at the spiral angle, which protrudes like a ledge over the deep channel-shaped whorls, while the final whorl turns to the spiral angle with a strong curvature at the back. C. malacanus Hwass (Enc. Meth. vers. I, pt. 2, pag. 645, tab. 325 — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10, spec. 49) is the closest living relative; but I observed neither a twisted spindle nor the dense spiral furrows on the forehead. Instead of the latter, the shells of the recent species showed only single, distant spiral ridges. C. quercinus Hwass (Reeve I.e. pl. 26, spec. 148) is also very close to the fossil and also shows similar variations in the shape of the shell; also C. eburneus Hwass (Reeve I.e. pl. 19, spec. 106). There are 46 specimens from the Kampong Odeng on the Tji Djarian, District Palabuan, descendant, 17 from the Tji Talahab, District Djampangtengah in Sukabumi, 1 from Selatjau on the TjiLongan, finally 1 individual in question from the Mantjeurih, tributaries of the Madur (5).


Un Conus smussato, dalla conchiglia spessa, alto fino a 71 mm., che ha una spira leggermente rialzata, a volte quasi piatta, sulla quale si estendono solo le spire più antiche fino a un punto corto. Il profilo della spira è o profondamente concavo o quasi conico, nel qual caso solo le spire più antiche appaiono limitate da linee concave, mentre le più giovani diventano diritte e coniche o non risaltano più nel profilo. Non è raro che l'angolo della spirale sporga, determinando la formazione di spalle a gradini; quindi anche i vortici appaiono approfonditi come canali, mentre sono altrimenti piatti. La punta veniva sempre eraosa, così che le spire embrionali non potevano più essere esaminate; le spire centrali più antiche mostrano raramente tracce di coronamento indistinto, altrimenti tutte le spire, compresa l'ultima, appaiono uniformemente ricoperte da solchi spirali, che sono solitamente profondamente incise. Il numero totale di spirali nell'individuo più grande era da tredici a quattordici.

La sezione frontale ha densi solchi a spirale, la spirale finale è altrimenti liscia, a parte solo le linee di crescita chiaramente sviluppate, che si staccano dalla linea di sutura sotto una forte curva a forma di S. Il fuso è ruotato, l'apertura della bocca è stretta, abbastanza poco profonda nella parte posteriore e non tagliata affatto nella parte anteriore.

Con questa specie intendo due forme diverse, ma non nettamente separate, che ricorrono insieme nelle località principali, una delle quali  (tipo 1) è più goffa dell'altra e ha una spira meno profonda, mentre nello stesso tempo manca delle sporgenze a gradini di quest'ultima. Tuttavia, la loro distinzione dalla seconda forma più snella non può essere definita con precisione, perché entrambe si fondono l'una nell'altra attraverso passaggi impercettibili, poiché a volte questa, a volte quella dei personaggi, che altrimenti appartengono alle varie forme estreme, si trovano unite in una e lo stesso individuo. Le due forme mi sembrano rappresentare differenze di sesso e le conchiglie più goffe devono provenire da animali femmine. Le anomalie sono spesso causate dall'avvolgimento irregolare delle spirali.

Il Conus Hardi Mart. è vicino a questa specie, ma è più snello, di solito un po' ristretto nel mezzo e, soprattutto, ha una chiglia a spigoli vivi ad angolo a spirale, che sporge come una sporgenza sopra i profondi vortici a forma di canale, mentre l'ultimo vortice gira all'angolo a spirale con una forte curvatura sul retro. Il C. malacanus Hwass (Enc. Meth. vers. I, pt. 2, pag. 645, tab. 325 — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10, spec. 49) è il parente vivente più prossimo; ma non osservai né un fuso contorto né i densi solchi a spirale sulla fronte. Invece di quest'ultimo, i gusci delle specie recenti mostravano solo creste a spirale singole e distanti. Il C. quercinus Hwass (Reeve I.e. pl. 26, spec. 148) è anche molto vicino al fossile e mostra variazioni simili anche nella forma della conchiglia; anche il C. eburneus Hwass (Reeve I.e. pl. 19, spec. 106).

Ci sono 46 esemplari dal Kampong Odeng sul Tji Djarian, Distretto Palabuan, discendente, 17 dal Tji Talahab, Distretto Djampangtengah a Sukabumi, 1 da Selatjau in poi il TjiLongan, infine 1 individuo in questione dal Mantjeurih, affluenti del Madur (5).


Epoca (3):    Pliocene: Indonesia, Vanuatu

Epoca (3):    Miocene: India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan

Epoca (3):    Oligocene: Myanmar


The coloring is formed by white spots very close to each other and arranged in spiral lines, which can be clearly observed in some specimens: RGM 7529.a, RGM 7522.f

Penso che uno dei discendenti più prossimi, almeno per quanto riguarda la morfologia, sia sicuramente il Conus malacanus .


Conus (Lithoconus) myaukmigonensis               (Vredenburg, 1921)



Compared with Conus odengensis, this shell is distinguished by its more elongate base, its narrower evenly extraconic spire, the rather conspicuous, even, very crowded spiral decoration of the anterior part of the base. It might be regarded as a variety of Conus odengensis, but as it is represented by two specimens from separate localities which agree in all essential characters, and as no inter­mediate forms have been observed such as might link them with the typical forms of Conus odengensis, they may be provisionally regarded as constituting a distinct species (3).

 Occurrence.- Myaukmigon, Thanga - Miocene.


Conus myaukmigonensis

Fig. 7





Conus avaensis (5)

TAV. XXIII n. 15(5)


Conus avaensis (Noetling, 1901) (5)

TAV. XXIII n. 16(5)

 = Conus odengensis var. birmanica (Vredenburg, 1921) (6)

Conus sp.

UV light - 55,4 mm

Middle Miocene

Wonosari, Yogyakarta, Java; Indonesia

collection: Wolfgang Fischer Nr.: WF723

The colouration, formed by spiral lines composed of dots and two transverse bands, is very similar to that of Conus malacanus of which it is almost certainly a predecessor.

Conus malacanus (Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792)

mm. 52,9 x 31,8

Caddalore, Tamil Nadu – India – 20/25 m. - 2018

[AZRC 307-01]

Conus amadis castaneofasciata

mm. 43,2 x 22,5

(Dautzenberg 1937) – 100/150 m. – Ranong Province – Andaman sea

[AZRC 742-03]


Noetling confronta il Conus avaensis con il Conus malacanus(5).

Vredenburg, nel 1921, afferma che la figura 15 illustrerebbe il Conus avaensis, il quale non sarebbe altro che un Conus litteratus,mentre l’esemplare della figura 16 sarebbe un Conus odengensis var. birmanica (4).



Conus sp. cf. amadis

mm. 67

Collected by local mining residents, from land lost after rain in the highlands 1000 meters above sea level. MIDDLE MIOCENE In "Jampang Regency". Southwest of Nyalindung. West Java INDONESIA




Martin collection


RGM.7540.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7540.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.a



RGM.7540.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7540.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.b



RGM.7539 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7539 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7539

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 41,0

RGM.7536 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7536 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7536

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

RGM.7534.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7534.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7534.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 40,0

RGM.7534.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7534.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7534.b

Citalahab (Java)

mm. 19,5

RGM.7532.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7532.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis (tipo 1)

RGM 7532.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 61,0

RGM.7532.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7532.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7532.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 26,0

RGM.7531 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7531

Ciodeng (Java)


RGM.7530.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7530.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis (tipo 1)

RGM 7530.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 56,0

RGM.7530.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7530.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis (tipo 1)

RGM 7530.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 51,5

RGM.7530.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7530.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 37

RGM.7529.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7529.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.a (with coloring)

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

RGM.7529.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7529.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 24,0

RGM.7529.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7529.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 25,0

RGM.7529.d | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7529.d | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.d

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 22,5

RGM.7526 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7526 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7526

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 33,5

RGM.7523.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895  RGM.7523.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 60

RGM.7523.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7523.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 32,5

RGM.7523.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7523.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 27,5

RGM.7522.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7522.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 40,0

RGM.7522.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7522.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 21,5

RGM.7522.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7522.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis – Conus scalaris ?

RGM 7522.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 29,0

RGM.7522.f | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895 RGM.7522.f | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.f (with coloring)

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 30,0






The Kalibeng layer is the oldest formation of the Sangiran dome. It started to develop from the late Miocene period to the Pliocene period in Central Java. Kalibeng is exposed only in the central part of the dome. It was  composed of volcanic materials namely, the bluish-gray clay and silty clay on top of the Globerigina marls between the Late Miocene and Upper Pliocene (Marks, 1957). The molluscs are deposited in the upper part of the formation in blue clay, silty sand, and silty clay deposits (6).





My specimens


Conus odengensis  (tipo 1)

mm. 28,6 x 20,1

Middle Miocene

Nyalindung (Java)

[AZFC 539-01]

Conus odengensis

mm. 29,2 x 17,9


Regency of Jampang (West Java)

[AZFC 539-02]


Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 37,5 x 18,6

[AZFC 539-03]


Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 28,2 x 16,6

[AZFC 539-04]




Conus odengensis

Tasikmalaya, probably Miocene









RGM.7532.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7523.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

mm. 65,3

Conus odengensis

RGM 7532.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 61,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 60

A "species" writes Dharma. Plate 126 #14 in Indonesian Sea Shell's & Fossil's. Collected from lose soil after rain's, on a slope, by local's. At "The Regency of Jampang". South West of Nyalindung. West Java. Altitude is around 1000 meter's, above sea level. Geological age. Preangerian (Serravallian) Stage of middle Miocene Period.

mm. 60

RGM.7530.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7530.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7530.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 56,0

Conus malacanus (Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792)

mm. 52,9 x 31,8

Caddalore, Tamil Nadu – India – 20/25 m. - 2018

[AZRC 307-01]

Conus odengensis

RGM 7530.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 51,5

RGM.7539 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7522.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7534.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7539

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 41,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 40,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7534.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 40,0

Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 37,5 x 18,6

[AZFC 539-03]

RGM.7530.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7536 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7526 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7523.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7530.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 37

Conus odengensis

RGM 7536

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7526

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 33,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 32,5

RGM.7522.f | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7522.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.f

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 30,0

Conus odengensis

mm. 29,2 x 17,9

Regency of Jampang

(West Java)

[AZFC 539-02]

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 29,0

Conus odengensis

mm. 28,6 x 20,1

Nyalindung (Java)

[AZFC 539-01]

Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 28,2 x 16,6

[AZFC 539-04]

RGM.7523.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7532.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.d | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 27,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7532.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 26,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 25,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 24,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.d

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 22,5

RGM.7522.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7534.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895




Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 21,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7534.b

Citalahab (Java)

mm. 19,5











Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.f (with coloring)

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 30,0

Conus odengensis

mm. 60

(v. riga sotto)

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.a (with coloring)

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

Conus scalaris


Java, Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn R

Upper Miocene


Conus odengensis

Tasikmalaya, probably Miocene

Conus odengensis

mm. 60


A "species" writes Dharma. Plate 126 #14 in Indnesian Sea Shell's & Fossil's. Collected from lose soil after rain's, on a slope, by local's. At "The Regency of Jampang". South West of Nyalindung. West Java. Altitude is around 1000 meter's, above sea level. Geological age. Preangerian (Serravallian) Stage of middle Miocene Period.

Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 37,5 x 18,6

[AZFC 539-03]










Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.a




Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.a



Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.b




RGM.7539 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895


Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.a



Conus odengensis

RGM 7540.b



Conus odengensis

RGM 7539

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 41,0

Conus odengensis

mm. 29,2 x 17,9

Regency of Jampang (West Java)

[AZFC 539-02]


RGM.7523.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895  

RGM.7530.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7536 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7532.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895


Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 60

Conus odengensis

RGM 7530.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 37

Conus odengensis

RGM 7536

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7532.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 26,0


RGM.7534.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7522.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895



Conus odengensis

RGM 7534.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 40,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 40,0

Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 37,5 x 18,6

[AZFC 539-03]



RGM.7532.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7530.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895




Conus odengensis (tipo 1)

RGM 7532.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 61,0

Conus odengensis (tipo 1)

RGM 7530.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 51,5




RGM.7530.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895


Conus odengensis (tipo 1)

RGM 7530.a

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 56,0

Conus malacanus

mm. 52,9 x 31,8

Caddalore, Tamil Nadu – India

20/25 m. - 2018

[AZRC 307-01]

Conus odengensis  (tipo 1)

mm. 28,6 x 20,1

Nyalindung (Java)

[AZFC 539-01]

Conus odengensis

Middle Miocene

Central Java

mm. 28,2 x 16,6

[AZFC 539-04]


RGM.7529.a | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7526 | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7523.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895



Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.a (with coloring)

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 35,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7526

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 33,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 32,5



RGM.7523.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7529.d | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7522.b | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

Conus odengensis

RGM 7523.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 27,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 25,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 24,0

Conus odengensis

RGM 7529.d

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 22,5

Conus odengensis

RGM 7522.b

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 21,5

RGM.7522.c | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895

RGM.7622 | Conus scalaris Martin, 1879

RGM.7522.f | Conus odengensis Martin, 1895



Conus odengensis ?

RGM 7522.c

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 29,0

Conus scalaris


Java, Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn R

Upper Miocene

Conus odengensis ?

RGM 7522.f (with coloring)

Ciodeng (Java)

mm. 30,0





Il Conus scalaris sembra molto simile, anche per quanto riguarda la colorazione, tuttavia l’unico esemplare riportato non presenta il fuso ritorto, probabilmente la caratteristica più facile da individuare.




·         (3) - Vredenburg, E., 1921. Comparitive Diagnoses of Conidae and Cancellariidae from the Tertiary Formations of Burma. Records of the Geological Survey of India, 53

·         (4) - Noetling, F., 1901. Fauna of the Miocene Beds of Burma. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, 1 (3 ): 1 -378

·         (5) - Martin, K., 1895. Die Fossilien von Java auf Grund einer Sammlung von Dr. R. D. M. Verbeek. Sammlungen des geologischen Reichs-Museums in Leiden, ser. 1. vol. 5 (Heft 2-5 ): 1 -132

·         (6) - Marie Grace Pamela Garong Faylona, Pierre Lozouet, Anne-Marie Sémah, François Sémah, Metta Adityas. The Sangiran Fossil Shell Assemblages Catalogue. AMERTA JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN ARKEOLOGI (JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 2020, 38 (2), pp.93-114. ff10.24832/amt.v38i2.93-114ff. ffhal-04047360f

·         (7) - Tomoki Kase, Yukito Kurihara, Hiroki Hayash, Hita Pandita and Yolanda Maac Aguilar (2008) “Age Refinement of the Sonde Molluscan Fauna, East Java, Indonesia”